Post by katiekat on Mar 18, 2008 7:40:40 GMT -5
26 times in one hour. I wrote down each time Sean came to me with some "nonsense" talk and it was 26 times in one hour. I have explained to him numerous times that there is no need for this and honestly it is making me nuts. It is a problem that has existed since day 1 but has become much worse lately, about the time he started the Abilify. Mostly it is talk about his "obsession" which has been Yugio cards for about 2 years but over the last couple months has become Tek Deks. (they are miniature skateboards) His therapist told us that we absolutely do not have to indulge him in these conversations and that when he starts up on it to say something like "You know, Im not really interested in Yugio cards but why don't you tell me something that you did in school today?" He is not so easily redirected and will say "I forget....but did you know that this Yugio card can blah, blah, blah." Maddening. My new idea is that he has a 3 strikes you're out policy. He may come to me with his obsession topic 3 times and I will talk about it but if it goes beyond that he will lose a privilege such as TV or video games. Yesterday it did not work. Hopefully he will get the idea soon.
Post by misty on Mar 18, 2008 8:05:23 GMT -5
Maybe you could buy him a recording device & tell him that after he gets his allotted 3 times coming to you, he can just tell the recorder & you'll listen to it when you have time. That way he can still talk about it but not be constantly pestering you.
I know it has to be driving you up a wall. I remember Shannon's pokemon phase. Drove me nuts & she wasn't nearly as obsessed as Sean is with his Yugio.
Post by bugsmom on Mar 18, 2008 8:54:53 GMT -5
KK...you poor thing! 26 times in and hour is just crazy! With that being said, I think your 3 strikes your out is a pretty good idea. I know that Sean can't really help his behavior, but if you stick to that, after awhile, I think it could kinda sink in. I was thinking maybe instead of "telling" him, (which I'm sure he'll forget), that he's had his 3 times talking about a certain topic, you could give him something to show him that his 3 times are up. I don't know, maybe and index card all decorated up with the numbers 1, 2, and 3. Each time he talks about the subject, when he's done, give him a card. When he has all three and he approaches you again, tell him to look at how many cards he has. Maybe that would help him understand a little more. I don't know, just a thought. I also like Misty's idea...he could just talk his little heart out...in another room of course. Hee Hee. Josh goes through phases of this too...It is always the same, all about his fishing lures. He tells me what color to use, what lake it would work best in, what type of fish it will catch, what lure should go on what pole, blah, blah, blah. I can't imagine what your going through...big hugs to you!
Post by lcdc1 on Mar 18, 2008 10:00:01 GMT -5
Wow, that is way obsessed! Yeah the tape recorder might work, it would have to be a simple one so he doesn't break it.
Post by mary2 on Mar 18, 2008 11:56:40 GMT -5
KK, my son is obsessed with Mario Bros characters. That is all he wants to talk about. I usually tell him I am not interested in the topic but let him go on with his stories a little bit. He doesn't even spend that long playing the video game, but he will waste my computer printing paper making drawings of these characters; he imitates them to perfection, he builds castles with his blocks and legos which he says are the castles of the stories; he was even asking me to get him a jeans overall so he could wear and look like Mario while he played at home; of course I told him that this was crazy; so figure out how... I have been concerned with this for long, but I guess that the issue will have to fade by its own. The boy who used to be his best friend long ago, has been avoiding him lately, and I am sure it is because my son has become so boring with this issue. I tell him how boring he can get, but he is just too immersed in his fantasies.
I just hope this fades away by its own soon.
Post by katiekat on Mar 18, 2008 12:14:42 GMT -5
Same thing here Mary-Sean recently told me that his best friend from last year told him that he no longer likes Yugio cards and that he wishes Sean would stop talking about them so much. I know all kids go through phases of "loving" certain fads-Joe had his thing with Power Rangers, Pokemon, Digimon, but they were not all consuming. Bugsmom-I like your idea and am going to try it out with index cards. Hopefully the index cards do not become an obsession because that has happened in the past with charts and poker chips I used for other things. I also may get an "obsession" of my own-I was thinking about some pretty pink ponies. I think he would get sick of me talking about them real quick. Should I braid my pony's mane? Does my pony look pretty? Which pony do you think is the most beautiful? He despises all things girlie!
Post by mary2 on Mar 18, 2008 12:34:38 GMT -5
I also may get an "obsession" of my own-I was thinking about some pretty pink ponies. I think he would get sick of me talking about them real quick. Should I braid my pony's mane? Does my pony look pretty? Which pony do you think is the most beautiful? He despises all things girlie! I like that one!! Now, I am thinking about what "obsession " I can come up with. Maybe Hello Kitty which I actually love; but I can make it to be consuming for a period of time and see how he reacts. I guess we will have to share results here KK, LOL
Post by charliegirl on Mar 18, 2008 13:46:54 GMT -5
You two are cracking me up! It sounds like a good idea. Actually, I love that idea! My son does this with his computer games. When he is on the computer he wants me to come watch him do something. When I am on the computer he wants to come tell me about what he plans to do. Argh! I'll have to think about what my obsession will be so I can turn the tables. Maybe I can tell him about different recipes that use honey, what the dishes are, what ingredients go in them, anything I can think of. Since he found out in science class that bees regurgitate honey, he is totally turned off by the thought of eating it. Hmmm.....
Post by lcdc1 on Mar 18, 2008 21:17:54 GMT -5
OH NO, but what if he like pretty ponies??
Post by katiekat on Mar 18, 2008 21:31:43 GMT -5
I will go with Plan B, which is gouge out my own ear drums with a knitting needle.